"The American Academy of Sleep Medicine considers sleep disorders an illness that has reached epidemic proportions"

We are open to discuss how sleep effects your metabolism, weight management, blood pressure, athletic recovery and stress.

Oral appliance therapy is recommended only for mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP is the only effective treatment for severe sleep apnea. Over-the-counter devices are not recommended as a treatment option for snoring or sleep apnea. Through the use of ultra thin customized appliances, airway flow can be improved. We welcome you to visit with us and discover options for you or members of your family. 

Apnea is the combination of two Greek words, (a and pnea) meaning (“a”) without and (“pnea”) air. Sleep apnea refers to the loss of air movement during sleep. This results in a depletion of oxygen and a build up of carbon dioxide in the lungs and blood.

Not getting enough restful sleep?

Could you have Sleep Apnea?  

·       Do you snore?

·       Have you been told that you gasp for air or stop breathing while sleeping?

·       Are you excessively tired during the day?

·       Do you have a history of hypertension?

·       Have you ever had a sleep study?

           Have you ever been told you should wear a CPAP?

Stages of Sleep Apnea

Snoring is the most obvious event associated with sleep apnea and results from turbulent air flow in a narrow airway. Airway collapse (apnea) is caused by negative air pressure (vacuum). This vacuum develops when air moves through a restricted space at high speed. The more severe the restriction, the louder the snoring becomes and the more likely apnea is to occur. When the throat collapses like a pinched straw on inspiration, carbon dioxide levels rise and oxygen levels decrease, resulting in arousal. The patient will simply lighten their sleep for a few seconds (arousal), open the airway to breathe and return to sleep, only to resume snoring and repeat the apnea cycle about once per minute. Therefore, in more severe cases, it is possible for a person to experience 500 to 600 episodes of sleep apnea each night. The bed partner becomes aware of this problem because of pauses in air flow that are followed by gasping. They may become concerned that their mate is about to die in their sleep from either not breathing or choking.

What are the effects of obstructive sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a progressive disease. Mild snoring converts gradually to sleep apnea as more negative pressures are created because of weight gain, aging, etc. Initially this may be only a few apneas per night. As the number of apneic events increases, both physical and mental symptoms develop. These are usually not noted until there are at least 50 or more events per night.

These are several symptoms which indicate the possible presence of apnea:

  • Fitful sleep
  • Tired appearance
  • Loud snoring
  • Mumbling in sleep
  • Drooling on the pillow
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Weight Gain

These cognitive (mental) dysfunctions may be present:

  • Increased irritability
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased libido
  • Some depression
  • Claustrophobia
  • Rapid sleep onset
  • Avoidance of social events
  • Awakening with a headache
  • Sweating in sleep
  • Inappropriate sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory Loss

Long-term effects of sleep apnea include:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris (chest pains) and hypertension – People with OSA are 4 times more likely to have heart attack
  • Impaired performance at work and home – OSA individuals are more likely to have sexual impotence and develop diabetes
  • 90% of stroke victims also suffer from OSA
  • OSA patients have 40% greater chance of having depression